Thursday, July 21, 2011

Returns and Recollections

(Obligatory tourist skyline shot taken from the top of the CN Tower)

Well, we're back from Toronto! (Thanks to Pat for helping with the driving!) I loved being in Toronto, but it's also lovely to be back home!

I really enjoyed myself, and I was so please to perform for so many people who seemed to be enjoying themselves as well. I really felt like Pat, Emilia and I delivered an entertaining show. It was also a treat to see over 25 shows which ranged from sweet to silly, from giggles to grief. (Apparently, my taste for alliteration is still going strong.)

But, what next? I do have an opportunity or two for remounting the show. I also have a few other projects percolating writing and performing-wise. I also hope to finally finish reading A Game of Thrones so I can finish watching the mini-series. In short, I shan't be bored.

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