Sunday, May 16, 2010

Preparation and Publicity

Bruce and I took the advantage of today's charming weather to rehearse on his back deck. It's a lovely location, and quite appropriate as we were rehearsing some scenes involving gardens.

I took most of my mid-way break outside to soak up a little more sunshine and recalled Fanny Price's line in Mansfield Park: “to sit in the shade on a fine day, and look upon verdure, is the most perfect refreshment.”

Among other preparations, we've been finalizing the show's promotional materials (press releases, bios, etc.) over the past week. I am also pleased to unveil the show's publicity photo. (Many thanks to photographer Chris J. Hing.)

Next on the agenda, we are finalizing our plans for the Montreal Fringe For All Preview Night. (On May 31, all interested Fringe companies get two minutes to plug their show in any way they choose.) I shan't reveal what we're cooking up - I'd like it to be a surprise!


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