Monday, July 12, 2010

Back Home!

I bade a fond farewell to Toronto yesterday and Bruce and I travelled back along the 401 and returned happily home.

I am very happy for my Toronto adventure and am grateful for the great audiences and feedback and getting to meet even more fun, cool and interesting people. I am also exceedingly thankful for Bruce's help in preparing this show and coming with me to Toronto: I always knew he was up there in the booth, calling the cues and keeping a watchful eye. (And, of course, giving me notes after each performance.)

Today I decided to focus on sleeping (I'd been skimping for a while) relaxing and catching up on my reading and TV. In addition, I am going to make some more revisions to the Jane Austen script based on audience responses and feedback for a new opportunity I have in mind. (I have a feeling Jane Austen and I are going to be working together for a while yet...)

I also have a few ideas which have been percolating in my brain that are just asking to be written down...Could an idea for next year's show be brewing? We shall see...


Friday, July 9, 2010

Full-on Fringing

Sorry I haven't posted much, I've been busy doing my show, flyering, volunteering and seeing shows, of course - I'm up to 21 so far!

I find the response and attendance in Toronto is quite good. My audiences really seem to be enjoying themselves overall and I am very happy that I run into people around the Fringe who recognize me and say they enjoyed my show! (One gentleman even said he might come again.)

I am having fun meeting new people and seeing new shows: A few of my favourites: The Duck Wife, Die Roten Punkte, and Bosco & Jones.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Opening Night!

We open tonight at 10. I am going things, making I have all my bits and pieces ready to go.

I am also very glad to report I managed to start seeing shows. Last night I saw The Flying Avro Arrow Musical Comedy - A Canadian story, and so an appropriate choice for July1st viewing. It's a sassy, irreverent and sometimes silly musical take about an important chapter of aviation history. It also features a guy playing William Shatner as an Avro security guard - Need I say more?

Cheers for now,

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day!

I am very happy to be here on this hot sunny Canada Day in Toronto. Bruce and I drove in a couple of days ago and we had our tech yesterday - We finally had a chance to get into the space, run the show and meet our super-cool technicians, Dave and Dan.

I really like the venue, it has a nice intimate feel (and it had air-conditioning - Very nice when you're wearing a long Regency era dress and a bonnet!) We are looking forward to our first show tomorrow.

That's it for now, time to go out and do some postering and flyering.
